Oporto, 2012
Live act “El Despertar” to the Performance e Arte Eémera Olhar o vento event, curated by Albuquerque
Mendes, Porto, Portugal.
URBA FEAT CUMBIA is a Dj set — live act — with
an local site specific research, about Praça dos Leões’ fountain.
Was made a documentary video recording the all garbage in the water, left by nightlife; with the various nuances of daylight and night. The exhaustive filming is an intent to warm the disrespect for the environment, as well as to the heritage — the history as our natural past — a cycle that we need to stop.
Was made a documentary video recording the all garbage in the water, left by nightlife; with the various nuances of daylight and night. The exhaustive filming is an intent to warm the disrespect for the environment, as well as to the heritage — the history as our natural past — a cycle that we need to stop.
Vídeo recording @ Praça dos Leões 

URBA FEAT CUMBIA also have an activist
purpose and echo political rescue, focusing on KUNA indigenous, animist,
matriarchal people of San Blas archipelago in Panamá, that was presented to me
in a dream:
The image of the word K U N A came to me clearly, and still asleep I knew I
had to wake up urgently to find out its meaning. I woke up and discover that this
indigenous people were evicted from their lands during the Spanish invasion and
their situation worsened in the 1970’s when a dam was built, they now launching
a call for help from media. I got goose bumps!

This coincidence made perfect sense to me at the moment,
not only because of my research, also with my process of meditation,
transformation, and relationship to the supernatural. Thus, it was in a way the
confirmation of a living relationship with the collective unconscious.
The way I found to give voice to this people I made a ︎ line-up based on a folkloric root and digital cumbia, integrating traditional KUNA songs remixed with dubstep and hiphop.

Graphic image made for the event. And a Teaser, as a cyber invitation to the facebook community, to make their hown maracas.

A curious coincidence:
A week after of the event, an article from a national journal, was published on the same subject “Movida leaves Baixa streets full of garbage” — plastic and many other glass bottles scattered in the Clérigos area.